*Note - since the Federal, State & County guidelines are constantly being updated, we will also adjust our policies periodically to keep in step with what each gym is requiring of the coaches & players and to minimize exposure*


While we will do our best to minimize your risk while at any Ethos-sponsored activity, we admit there is inherent risk in playing sports - much like there is when going to a restaurant, going to school, or shopping at the grocery store. Please understand that we cannot guarantee you will not be exposed to COVID-19 when you come to volleyball practice. If you are concerned about exposure to COVID-19, you do not have to participate in any activity. Please be sure to read and sign the COVID waiver before coming to any Ethos event.


Staff should wash their hands as often as possible (scrubbing them for at least 20 seconds).

Staff should cover their cough or sneeze into the crook of the arm, or into a disposable tissue, and thoroughly wash their hands after.

Staff should avoid touching their face.

Staff should use hand sanitizer available to them if soap and water are not immediately available.

Staff should avoid shaking hands, high-fiving or hugging players.

Staff should maintain social distancing (6 feet apart) from other staff and players as much as possible throughout practice.

Staff are encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Staff should stay home if they are sick and get tested if they show symptoms of the disease.

Staff who have been in "close contact" as defined by the CDC (link here) with individuals who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 should follow the proper self-quarantine policies recommended by the CDC.


Athletes and coaches should provide their own hand sanitizer and use before the start of practice, after each water break and periodically throughout training time.

Face coverings will be worn whenever possible and when coaches cannot consistently maintain six feet of separation from athletes in the gym.

Staff, coaches and athletes should all provide their own water bottle and should not share with anyone else.

No parents or spectators will be allowed in the gym to limit the total number of people in contact with each other at any particular time.

As much as possible, athletes and coaches will stay 6 feet apart or with their team for the duration of practice.

We will try to follow all school mandated protocols regarding COVID-19 while acknowledging that different counties in TN allow different levels of protocol & participation.


We also recommend that everyone read the CDC guidelines and definitions regarding quarantine. The link is below: